Key takeaways

Jennifer Reid, President & Chief Methodologist at Rival Technologies, and Andrew Reid, CEO & Founder at Rival, reveal the 7 must-have features of an insight community.

01:26: Insight communities are more important than ever because they address the needs of both the market researcher and the research participant. 

02:37: What makes an insight community a community? 1.) A shared mission on what the community is about; 2.) Permission to engage the participant again; and 3.) The ability to build on what you already know about the community member over time.

05:02: Based on our experience running insight communities for Rival customers, there are 4 high-level best practices in community management: 

1. Engage people where they are
2. Personalize your engagement and be relevant
3. Make it conversational
4. Be efficient and organized 

We've used these best practices as guiding principles as we build Rival's market research platform

05:30: Being mobile-first is a no-brainer because mobile is where people are. 

07:57: The mobile device opens up new ways of recruiting for your insight community. It's not just about market panels and river sampling anymore. 

12:25: APIs allow you to tap into your CRM for auto-recruitment. 

18:40: Conversational research is about providing an environment where people would be more willing to share their true thoughts and feelings. Tools like Message Cards allow you to mimic how people chat with each other and let you program appropriate responses based on the answers of the participants. 

22:37: Video capabilities are a must for insight communities because they allow you to capture richer feedback. Don't be afraid to also add video to your chat surveys: this allows you to share about your research, provide instructions or context to your study, or thank community members for their participation. 

31:12: Use Profile Variables in the logic of your chat, in your sampling and distribution, and in your analysis. 

36:47: Smart distributions allow you to engage the right people at the right time with the right activity. 

43:50: A tool like ChatHub makes it easy to be organized and increase your efficiency as a market researcher. Being able to manage your projects, access relevant links, and get reporting from one spot can save you a lot time. 

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